Tuesday 27 February 2018

Close encounters of a Gorilla kind!!!

The internet speed seems more favourable this morning so I was able to upload a few videos to Youtube and I will attach them below.  These three clips were filmed on my iPhone with no zoom.  All shots are live and up close and personal.  In the first clip, when the mother gorilla leaves the screen she actually brushed up against my leg.  People have asked me if I was afraid.  The true answer is no.  The gorillas are a peaceful animal and very much habituated to humans.  I did hear that another trekking group was charged by a silverback but it didn't amount to anything, just a signal to stay back.  That gorilla family was one of the new ones and was not as well habituated as the two groups I saw.  Right or wrong, the habituation process means that humans can witness the majesty of the gorilla, a portion of park fees goes towards conservation and of course education is the answer to most problems.  The gorillas are an endangered species, largely due to the fact they can only survive in this small microclimate, the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.

Watch and enjoy!




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