Thursday 12 January 2017

Build it and they will play!

When people ask why I am encouraging children in Africa to play basketball, I tell them that basketball is a great sport and it teaches important life lessons.  It is fun and it does not require expensive equipment.  The skills needed can be learned in some degree by all or most children.  Why basketball?  "Why not?", I say.

The bottom line is that it is not really about basketball, it is about having the opportunity to play and learn and enjoy.  Basketball is the vehicle by which children can learn skills to be successful in life.  Skills like leadership and communication.  Skills like team work, sportsmanship, and collaboration.  Skills like problem solving, how to win with humility and how to lose with dignity.  Ask yourself if these are important skills and if you feel that they are then I think you can appreciate that playing basketball can encourage leadership for the future.  As adults, these young basketball players will apply the skills that they learn on the court to all aspects of their daily life.  They will be leaders in their communities and they will impact the world positively in ways which we can only hypothesize.

If you are still questioning whether playing the sport of basketball is important, well, don't take my word for it.  Recently I asked my class if sports were important?  "Of course", they replied and then they went on to tell me all the reasons why.  Here they are:

Benefits of Playing Sports
By Grade 4/5 Students

                  We have been discussing the benefits of playing sports and this week we wrote about this topic.  Together we came up with many benefits.  They include:

·       Sports can strengthen your confidence.
·       Sports help you to get good exercise.  Exercise is good for your body.
·       Sports can strengthen your muscles.
·       Playing a sport can help your concentration in the classroom.
·       Playing a sport can help you to deal with sad feelings.
·       Sports help you to get rid of extra energy.
·       Sports help you to focus more.
·       Sports can help you develop teamwork!
·       Sports help you to live a happy life!
·       Sports can help you to be a better problem solver.
·       Sports can help you to deal with competition.
·       Playing sports can help to make you healthy.
·       Playing sports helps you to have fun!
·       Sports can help you to be flexible.
·       Sports can improve your balance.
·       Playing sports teaches you about good sportsmanship.
·       Sports can teach you to be responsible.
·       Playing a sport can be inspiring!
·       Sports can help you to be a good winner and a good loser!
·       Playing sports is better than doing nothing.  You won’t get bored.
·       Playing sports can help you to make new friends.
·       Sports can help you to develop courage.
·       Sports can help you to travel.   For example, you may travel to tournaments.
·       Sports can challenge you.
·       Sports can teach me that I can do anything if I believe in myself.

·       And yes, if I am lucky, if I have skill and talent and if I work hard I may even be a professional athlete!

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